Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Recurring Orders

If you handle repeat or scheduled orders that you'd like to memorize, you can set up recurring orders from any existing order by following a few simple steps.

The order in question needs to be created at least once. If you follow this process while the order is in the New Orders pane, the order will be memorized without an assigned driver. If you've already dispatched the order when you memorize it, Digital Waybill will remember your driver preference and automatically assign that driver whenever the recurring order is placed.

Select an order in the main dispatch window and click on the price in the bottom right corner. In the pop up window, under the area with the price breakdown, click the 'Memorize' button. From here you'll be able to set up a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule. If you'd like to memorize the order for future use, but not place it on a schedule, you can select 'Weekly' and leave all the boxes blank. Finally, create a name for your order.

When an order is set to recur on a schedule, it will appear at midnight when the date changes (beware, if you're changing the date in Windows for any other reason, any scheduled orders for the new date will be placed every time the calendar changes to that date). The order will appear with the same ready time and all the same order details as when you memorized it.

You can see all of your memorized orders at once by slicking on the 'Settings' button on the main dispatch screen, and then clicking the 'Recurring Orders' tab. From here you can remove an order or edit its schedule, and you can place it at any time by double-clicking or selecting 'Place Now'.

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