Friday, February 25, 2011

New 2-Way and Surcharge Options

You may have noticed a few new options that were pushed out in updates recently. If you haven't received them yet, simply close and restart the Order Panel. We'll break down a few of them here today.

If you go to 'Settings' > 'Software Settings', you'll notice a couple new check boxes under the 'Dispatch' heading. The 'Automatically Complete 2Way Delivered Orders' will send orders over to the 'Completed Orders' tab as soon as the driver marks the order Delivered. This is helpful if you have a lot of orders in one day, and don't want to manually complete each one from the dispatch side. The 'Display Company Name on 2Way Menu' will display the pickup company's name, as opposed to their address, when the order is sent to a driver's 2-Way app.

Surcharges have also been modified with a couple new features. When you add a weight or piece surcharge, you'll notice a box that says 'Apply Charge For Entire Order'. This essentially creates an override so that the current range's rules will override any previous ones. Those of you familiar with our distance and surcharge pricing system probably know that it's usually cumulative; e.g., if you have a range of 0-100 lbs. at 10¢ per lb., and 100-200 lbs. at 20¢ per lb., an order that was 150 lbs. would calculate 100 lbs. at 10¢ and add on 50 lbs. at 20¢, giving you a total surcharge of $20. With the 'Apply Charge For Entire Order' checked, the current range (100-200) will override any other rules, and the entire order will be charged at 20¢ per lb., give you a total weight surcharge of $30 in our example. This feature can be used for both weight and piece surcharges.

Finally, a 'Driver Commission Override' has been added to fuel surcharges. This allows you to set a specific percentage for driver commissions to be taken from the fuel surcharge, or you can exclude fuel surcharges from commission altogether (by selecting 0%).

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