Monday, March 14, 2011

Placing Routed (Multiple Stop) Orders

Besides placing 'Point A' to 'Point B' orders, Digital Waybill also supports orders with multiple stops. There are a few features you can take advantage with these multiple stop orders, but to get started, you'll want to click 'Enter New' from the main dispatch pane. This is where you normally enter phone orders. If you click where it says 'Charge To:' right below the 'Pickup At:' heading, you'll change the order type to a routed order.

From here, once you've picked the customer and cost center to charge to, you can add as many delivery addresses as you need. Note that the first stop is usually considered the pickup address, and each subsequent stop can be either a pickup or delivery. To add a new stop, enter the address information. Click <Add New Stop> to set the current address as a stop and create a new one.

Once you've placed the order, you may notice a new 'Optimize' button has appeared next to the 'Directions' button. You can use this to optimize your route: just pick either 'A To Z' or 'Rountrip', and Google Maps will determine the most efficient driving route for your driver to take.

One last thing you can set up for routed orders is routed pricing. By default, the system calculates each leg of the route separately, as if it were its own order. However, you can access the 'Route Pricing' settings the same way as the 'Advanced Driver Pay'. Then, just set the price list of your choosing for each leg of the order. This might require you to create an additional price list or two. For instance, if the first leg of the order was charged normally, but each additional leg was and extra $5 with a slightly discounted mileage, you would create a distance price list with a $5 base charge and the applicable mileage charge, and apply from Stop 2 to Stop X (Stop 1 to Stop 2 is the first leg, which you would set from the standard list).

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